Friday, June 10, 2011

#9 Gamble in Las Vegas

One fateful day twelve years ago, two young girls made a pact.  Once they both reached 21 years of age, they would venture across the land to a magic and mysterious place... Las Vegas.

Why my childhood best friend and I chose such a thing at the tender age of nine, I cannot say.  It might have had something to do with a Rugrats special?  Regardless, we both feel inordinately proud of ourselves for accomplishing this goal.  To celebrate my graduation and her 21st, we set out west and spent the week indoor skydiving, seeing shows (Love, the Cirque du Soleil show set to Beatles music... be-still-my-heart incredible!), soaking up the sun, and generally making merry.  And of course- we tried our hand at a few games of chance.

I will now take a moment to brush the proverbial dirt off my shoulder... we were money at roulette.  I will forever bow at the feet of beginner's luck, one of the great forces of the universe that has recently decided to smile on this poor job-hunting girlie. 

My friend and I each walked away with around $1000. What?! 

Here's what I know about roulette:
1) If you bet on the individual numbers, you're working with 1:35 odds.  So, bet a dollar, win and get 35 bucks.
2) If you are playing your first game of roulette, and you chose to bet on your brothers' baseball numbers, your dad's football number, and the birthdays of you, your mother and your sister... you might just win bank.  Through in whatever other digits your gut directs you to.

Go forth and return home winners! (Results not guaranteed)

Seriously though, the trip was a blast and the extra cash was just the icing on the cake (and my savings account).  Vegas is unlike anywhere I've ever been.  Simultaneously enthralling and disorienting.  The contrast of the natural beauty (desire to travel and hike more out west officially confirmed) to the artificiality of the strip was occassionally unnerving.  One week was probably all I could handle of the party atmosphere and fake-Venice, fake-New York, fake-Paris, etc. etc.  But what a week it was! 

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