Tuesday, May 3, 2011


(jumping for joy!)

Done done done! I finished my thesis. Woo hoo!  A break from pretty pictures and quotes for some shameless self-promotion.  If anyone in the blogosphere in interested in my little ole website here's the link: http://www.chaplainsatwar.com/

And now back to the regularly scheduled programming...


  1. Oh! Oh!

    Inner history nerd just EXPLODED.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of doing an undergrad thesis as a website. Especially in the History field, people can be very... well paper-focused, if you know what I mean. One of my interests is public history - how history is told/understood/disseminated by and for the public. Internet is a wonderfully diverse and rich resource - it's a whole new way to think of presenting and thinking about history, with the incorporation of not just text and image, but also the idea of universal accessibility and the potential for input from non-traditionally academic sources.

    Nerdnerdnerd. Meepmeep.

    ...Also I know very little about this topic so I am EXCITED TO READ!

  2. Oh thank you so much!! I am a huge history nerd, so it's great to find a kindred spirit :)
