Monday, May 30, 2011

Catch up! and Graduation!

Hi hi hi!  Apologies for disappearing-- a lot has been happening over the last month.  I have at least four "22 before 22" items to check off, including graduating from college! Woo!

It's been just over a week since the big day, and the thought of no longer living life as an undergrad feels completely surreal.  The finality probably won't set in until this fall-- no first day of classes for the first time since kindergarten!  The whole thing makes me equal parts elated and nervous and proud.  Nervous stems mainly from my absolute lack of a plan.  I've moved back home and am applying for jobs while teaching ballet classes part-time at a local studio.  At some time relatively soon, I'll move out and dinner with my parents and siblings will become an event rather than a given. That surely makes right now a precious time.  Hopefully I'll be checking off "Get hired for a full-time job" sometime in the near future, but for now I'm trying to savor the excitement of not knowing what comes next.  Here's to possibility! 

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